The Asclepion (Asklepieion) of Pergamum was perhaps the world's most famous ancient medical center, and is the second-most important site in Bergama. Founded by a man named Archias, the Asclepion of Pergamum became famous under Galen (131-210 AD), a local physician who pursued his medical studies in Greece and Alexandria (Egypt) before settling here as doctor to Pergamum's gladiators.
It was about to rain when we got there and once we were inside the thunderstorm started, which was very beautiful. And then it rained quite for some time. There are these really cute frogs (which can startle you as they are quite loud) and turtles swimming in what used to be swimming pools for the patients. There is this long underpassage which used to be a hospital and it's very beautiful especially in the rain. All in all it's an amazing place which I hope one day will be restored and cleaned up. I hope to go back there and take more photos.
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