Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Interesting video from Turkish TV channel about the excavation and restoration of the ancient city of Sagalassos

and a very useful website that covers a lot on this city

If you can't go to the Burdur museum ... it can come to you

Just recently found this very interesting website of the Burdur Museum which features an online tour. It shows all their collections (including even the depot) of artifacts found in ancient cities of Sagalassos, Kibyra and Kremna. Something that especially drew my attention was a statute of a couple (husband and wife possibly) lying down very similar to the famous Etruscan married couple now exhibited at Louvre.

Etruscan couple at Louvre

Kybirian couple from Burdur

Not a very good picture I know but if I go there in person I might be able to post it online. Meanwhile if you're interested go to and choose Front of Kybira from a drop-down menu. I am definitely not an expert but this is the first time I see a statue like this anywhere on the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire (modern Turkey :)